Saturday, April 20, 2013


While I was doing you
On the hood of your car
I was beholden 
To your tattoos and black hair
Moving on your moon-bleached flesh
While the headlights of the cop car
Pulled around the corner
Of the abandoned brick and brokened glass
Industrial building
Switching on their high-beams
And flashing blue lights
Catching you 
With your legs in the air
Your back polishing the hood’s enamel
And me immediately 
Pulling out of you
With my pants around my ankles
Tripping backwards 
In cop white light
Small stones eating at 
The skin of my ass and palms
As I hit the pavement.

They told me 
Not to move
And I lay there exposed
Limp and glistening
Smelling like Mary
While they took you aside.

Not one of my proudest moments
Until I heard them 
Ask you
If I was holding you there
Against your will
And you replied

“Of course not!”

Followed by

“You guys sure know how to ruin a good time!”

The cop standing beside me
Roughly pulled me to my feet
Making sure that I saw
The small smile turned
At the corner of his mouth.