Wednesday, May 30, 2012



Something hit me on the head
WITHOUT warning
Grabbing my hair

I heard wings thrashing
And shrill screaming.

He came at me again.


Within seconds
He got me a second time.

I looked up to see him
Dive bombing again
Fast and determined
From a tree branch
About 15 feet up.

I didn’t have the seconds in me.


He got me a third time.

Now I was pissed
And I knew he was committed.

I grabbed a broom 
Off of the porch
And held it up in front of me
Eight feet up in the air
Like a divining shaman
Praying loudly.

“You muthafucka, cut that shit out!”

He dove straight for me
Several times
But I got that broom in the way
And split him off.

He got wise 
Real fast.

He veered off sharply
Knowing that I was crayzee
And would knock the pasty white shit out of him
If he kept it up.

So it went like that
For a little bit.

Each of us testing
The other
Until we finally made peace
And settled things
Between us


And moved on
To the next chore
That needed to be done
Not bothering
Each other
At all.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


I saw him on the opposite side of the road.

He was a big shadow
In the light of the pavement
And as I got closer 
I could see that he was moving.

There was a bend just ahead
And I knew he didn’t stand a chance.

I spontaneously pulled over
While the driver behind me
Laid on the horn
Driving past.

There were no other cars.

I quickly found a stick
And moved towards him.

It was spring
And the only turtle crossing a road
Would be a male
Looking for a female.

It wouldn’t be for food
As there was plenty of that
In the stream and pond
Behind him
So I decided it would be better
To get him across
Than usher him back
As he would just be doing
The same thing all over again.

He didn’t like me at all
And he let me know it.

He arched his neck
Opening his vice jaws wide
And hissed sharply.

He was a big boy.

I played the stick in front of him
Tapping it on the ground
Then quickly moved it towards his head.

He took the bait.

He snapped at it
And got his teeth in real good.

I let him honker down
And picked him up
So frikken fast
Running him across the road
Before his claws could
Tear into my hands.

He was a BIG boy.

Just before he could comprehend
What was going on
And his talons 
Gained on my flesh
I dropped him into the grassy
In front of my car
Parked on the other side 
Of the road
Where a female
Was waiting
Spared the sound
Of braking tires
And the cracking
Of an arriving lover’s shell
Ending his one great journey.

She would not experience
That kind of emptiness
As I watched him
Wood still in mouth
Move aggressively
As a turtle could
Into the protective underbrush
Of the paradise
That he so desperately sought
A mere 
Forty feet journey away.

We males
Will go to any lengths.

Even twenty feet
Of of well travelled unprotected pavement
To get what we want.

It’s dumb.

I know.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


How do you greet
Your arch enemy
Sitting at the same bar
Ten feet from you?

Raise your glass


Shout and mouth
So even a deaf person
Knows that you are saying

“Fuck You!”

Take a sip of beer
And turn
Back to better folk
And wait 
To see what will happen.

Monday, May 14, 2012



She tasted like candy.

Valrhona milk chocolate
Covered in sweet n’ sour
Sugar dust.

Fresh apricot pate center.

And gumdrops
Wrapped around
In a blanket.

She tasted of limes
Turkish figs
Fresh ginger
And mint.

Creamy soft ganache
Spiked with cabernet
Or port brandy.

Mashed mangoes
Toasted pecans
And just-picked lavender.

Split open like a halved grapefruit
With local organic honey.

She went off like Pop Rocks
Mixed with Coca-Cola
On the end of my tongue.

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Apology Tour

He was a big rugged Italian motherfucker.

The nose and everything.

He got down on one knee
In front of the black chick
At the bar.

“Yo, Ricky! What the fuck are you doing?”
A friend behind him asked.

“Shut the fuck up! I’m on The Apology Tour. I’ll be right down.”

He was down on both knees now.

He looked up into her eyes.

“I need to give you a sincere apology for my behaviour the other night. I tried to express
  my love for you, which probably would’ve been better done in private than in front of
  150 people.”

Now there were only twenty.

“Please accept my apology for being such an asshole. Thank you. Thank you world for
He looked at all of us, then back at her.

Why are the biggest fuck-ups
The ones that we love the most
And find endearing.

I almost wanted to hug him.

But he was a big Italian motherfucker
Whose nose looked like
It took it's fair share of beatings.

Red Wings Lost

An old dude with grey hair
And a camera strapped around his neck
Strolls up to the bar
Complaining about his stomach
And what ‘they’ did
To ‘his’ Red Wings.

He’s wearing
A spiked leather collar
As well.

I ask him
If he’s a Rottweiler.

“I’m a Rottenweiler!”
He says.

“Well in that case, let me buy you a beer.”
I tell him.

“Make it a seltzer. My stomach is killing me.”

May 6, 2012 (Resting In Peace)

Quarter past six...

The first Sunday afternoon in May
Down at the river’s stoney edge
I lie sprawled on a flat rock
Poaching in the blaze
Of the falling sun’s

There is no current to speak of.

The water is low
Moving gradually...
Inaudibly passing by...

Only the voice of birds
Trilling high up in the trees.

The rustle of swallows and jays
Jumping through the crooked shrubbery.

The cliff sparrows dipping the glassine surface
For supper
Content in the simplicity
That their well-made mud-pot homes
Were but a few beats of the wing away.

The heat from the sky feeling good
On their spread feathers
As they glide around in circles above.

Recognizing for a passing moment
In their small bird brains
How much more fortunate they are
Than that poor ugly dead bastard
Sprawled out all stiff on a rock below
Soon to be food for the black vultures
And flies.

Saturday, May 5, 2012


Once being a drug addict
I would talk myself out of using.

Ten minutes later
I was talking myself
Back into using
All over again.

Back then
$40 for a book.

Handfuls of toothpicks
And mints
From the glass bowls
In the vestibule of the Thai restaurant
That I was using
Their bathroom 
To get high in.


I left leaving
I was a champion.


Butterfly Collection

Somehow I have a drawerful of panties
Bestowed upon me
From women 
That have come into my bedroom
And left.

I have never once asked for them.

They would just appear
The next day
Or the day after
While I was making the bed
Or vacuuming 
Under the dresser.

Lovely tokens
Proudly left at the threshold
By the house cat 

Or ‘pussy’.

I would like to assemble the collection
In a large shadow box
Spreading each delicate fold of a wing
Pinning it to the board
With thin insect archival pins
Articulating each piece of lace
Each colored fold of silk.

The body open in the center.

The heart.

I would put a hand cut 
Piece of paper
Under each one
On which would be hand scripted
The latin genus name...

“Insanis Corvus Flavaque Pullus”

“Fera Nymphomania C Omnes Nighter”

“Mulier Qui Probaverunt Ut Clausus”

“Nivis Albedinem Femina”

“Fortis Emissarius Firma Asinum”

“Screamer Magnifica”

“Lunam Virgo”

Each personal specie worthy of exhibition.

A central point on a wall

At the MOMA
The Guggenheim
The Louvre...

The Musee d’Orsay
The Tate Modern
And Museo Del Prado.

Their devout white walls

More stunning
And powerful

More magnificent
Than my top left dresser drawer.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Demolition Of The Lyric Theater (Asbury Park 2005)

He felt the warm bubbles
Rising up around his chest.

He had the hot tub
Installed center stage
In the decrepit old theater
Several years ago
When the theater shuttered for good.

There would be others 
In the water with him.

They’d be drinking Hennessy
And Olde English 800’s
Smoking Kools and White Owls.

There would be some music and dancing.
There would often be sex
Sometimes friends
Sometimes hired...

But tonight he wanted to be alone.

It was his last night
At the gay Lyric Theater.

It was his illegal home
For the last two-plus decades.

He owned it for a lot longer than that.

Asbury Park fell on hard times
And in turn
Things got rough for him
And he had to move in.

He used to own three theaters.
He had to close the other two...

The  Mayfair and the St. James...

Eventually selling the real estate.

He held on to this one 
Because he had turned it into a porno-house
But eventually
With VHS and video rental stores
Even that incarnation of the theater slowed and died.

Things got so bad
He couldn’t maintain the building any longer.

He took a drag on his Kool.

He was still wearing his sunglasses.
They rarely left his face.

He tumbled a Hennessy ice cube around in his mouth.

It was years since he had been to the dentist.
Probably since he moved into this dump.

He could feel the ice clatter
Against broken teeth.

This was his last night at the Lyric.

It was set to be demolished
Along with the Palace Amusement building
Attached next door.

The triple XXX
Signage was stoically displayed
On the marquee out front
For twenty-or-more years
At least.

Right now
He couldn’t pin-point it.

But it was an irony
To see THAT
Next to Tillie’s smiling face
And the bumper cars
Painted on the pale green walls
Of the once vibrant building
Next door.

He remembered the motion of the neon
That used to animate 
Tillie’s grin and the movement of the bumper cars
And roller coasters.

He recalled the ferris wheel 
That projected through the roof 
Lighting up the night
And the eastern wall of his building.

Wesley Lake directly behind him
Had the swan boats
That people would pay to peddle around.

He didn’t get that.

That was back when his theater 
Was running second run movies.

Before the men were jerking off in the theater’s seats.

The trannies and hookers
Would camp out in the dark of the theater.

They would bring their lunch or dinner
Their vice of choice
And solicit all day long.

They were hungry too.

They paid the ticket price.

He couldn’t complain.

Kept a lot of regulars coming back.

It was safer than the streets.

He reached for the ash tray
But the long ash fell into the rumbling water
Before he made it.

“Fuck it” 
He thought easily
And brought the filter back
For another drag.

People thought he was crazy
When he bought the hot tub.

Especially the company 
That came and installed it
Directly center stage
In front of the giant dirty movie screen
Under the glow of the pot-lamps.

It was the best money he ever spent
He decided
Right then and there.

It was a wild notion to soak until you were a prune
Within the belly of an empty theater.

It got him a ton of pussy.
And if it was a party
With other people...

He still had a few movies
That he would run
On the large projectors up in the booth.

Those movies turned many a party
Into an orgy.

These memories came back to him
In bits and pieces
While he sipped his cognac
Smoking more Kools
And missing the ashtray.

He did a toast to the hot tub.

“This hot tub was money well spent”
He thought 
Chuckling to himself
Glass raised in the air.

But things were final.

It was time to move on.

He thought of the wrecking ball
As he got out of the tub
His flesh wrinkled
And way past 

The black skin of his hands and feet
Ghost white
And itching.

He grabbed a towel
And wrapped it around his naked body.

He stood there shivering
For awhile
His silhouette
Before the big screen
Listening to the water bubbling
And the electric hum of the motor.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


White to bleeding pink flora
Soft in color 
Like Himalayan sea salt
Fall like snow
In seventy degree 
April weather
In my backyard.

I witness this
On a Tuesday morning
Outside my bedroom windows.

I have off...

And I can only just watch
The spin-dry cycle hail
Of cherry blossoms descend
Like the Royal Ballet
In petal-fragments
From my bed
Guilt free gratitude
Sipping a very hot
Stove-top latte
Whilst naked
Being careful
Not to spill.

The falling flowers
Rest the demons inside.

Even those found
Still loitering
So early in the morning.

Left over
From the night and day previous
Still wrestless and writhing.

White to bleeding pink flora
Flit about like large 
Delicately falling
Origami paper partridges.

As if a silent breezy movie
Was chattering by
Catching the notches
Cut into thick celluloid
Moving past the film gate
Then the lens
Of the dozen candied glass window panes
In my room
From the morning sun.


A fifty year old lilac bush
Grows forty feet tall
And reaches in
Through the cracked windows
Groping over the duvet
Pushing a frond of uber-fragrant blooms
Into my face
While I’m sleeping.

The perfume
Is inebriating
Giving rise to a drugged slumber
So deep
Dreams passed by in a blurred
Half-lidded vision
Like a dog’s head
Hanging out of a window
At sixty miles per hour
The dream-landscape being smeared out
Like wet tempura
Across a palette.

Breath slowed to a still rate
Inhaling the woozy pool
Of lilac
Germinating in the still bedsheets.

I woke up
And numb.

It felt like a narcotic hangover.

It wasn’t until I was getting dressed
That I noticed my wallet 
Was gone.

You sultry seductress bitch!

Hope you buy yourself
Something nice.