Thursday, January 29, 2015


This adorable smoky grey kitten
Brings me her toys 
Like a puppy
Into the bed
Early morning
Every morning
While I’m drinking
Strong coffee
To play.

She’s an indoor kitten.

She doesn’t 
Even know 
That when
I walk out of 
That door
That I’m going to have 
To deal with a corporate government.

Police brutality.

Unjust wage wars.

Climate change.


Factory farming.


The fact that my son can’t skateboard in public spaces.

Slashing to education and the arts.


Mountaintop removal.

Irresponsible oil spills.

Walmarts and lobbying.

United States policing the rest of the world
Instead of taking care of it’s own.

The failing war on drugs.

Gun related killings.

The fact that we’ll kill a bear
Because it came in our backyard
Which was rightfully theirs
To begin with.

Human overpopulation.

The failure to deal with
Mental disorders
In a practical way.






Holier than yours religion.


The 1% factor.

Really bad popular music.

And when I walk in the door...

The kitten just wants to play.

She just wants to play.

Bar Brawl


I still have the scar
Where you dug
The broken Natty Boh bottle
Into my abdomen.

The skin folds in upon itself
Into a painful red-centered flower
With whiter 
Winter petals
When I try to lift weights
Or exercise
Or take out the garbage.

The heat inside
From the furnace
Of the devil
As I double over.

Getting it stapled shut
That night in a city hospital
Didn’t help.

I’m convinced to this day
That it only made matters

I had plenty of time to think about the incident
As I waited on a gurney
In the Emergency Room.

The outburst 
Was almost immediate.

I didn’t like you
And you didn’t like me.

I hit you first
With good reason
And I hit you hard.

But you still had your beer in hand
And you broke the bottle
“The Land Of Pleasant Living”
Spilling everywhere.

And then my blood.

I can fold and unfold the scar
Like a parcel
Recently delivered
Being careful
Not to tear the paper
Or cut my fingers
Reaching them slowly inside
And massaging
The warm muscle
That a city hospital
Failed to repair
One Baltimore night
Long ago.

I should have let you
Hit me first.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


I used to pay this whore
Over on 25th Street
To tie me up and yodel
Up my asshole.

She was 
Apprehensive at first,

But when she found out
That I would pay her cash
If she would take the yodeling thing

She got on board.

She actually got pretty good at it.

I think she actually studied.

I became very dependent on her.

I failed to achieve an orgasm
Any other way.

She sensed my dependency
And told me that it was getting 
Way too serious for her
Even though she was making bank.

She actually 
Told me that
She didn’t think 
I would take things
So far.

I’ve tried everything since then.

Yodeling talent shows...

I fear I’m doomed.

I still ring her bell when I walk past her building.


But she won’t let me in.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Sorry... Not A Winner

It gets depressing
Not winning the lottery

That sense of false hope
Before I scan my tickets

Dreams and solutions
With a red light and a bar code

Not A Winner

The only thing
I can be sure of
Than not winning

Is that when 
I walk out of here
It will be cold 

The library will be closed
As I walk past

But the bar 
Up the block
Will be open

That keep trying
To make it another day

In the end
The whiskey
Warms our hearts 
All the same

Winners or losers