Wednesday, April 30, 2014


It’s a new town.

I don’t know all of the rules
Or laws yet
And I’m sure to break most of them.

It’s night time
And nature is dumping a deluge
Of rain
Through the fog
Upon these mountainous streets.

Water running from many spiking 
Into potholes and trenches
Swirling into 
Churning wading pools.

There are small rivers
With ancient poor city planning
To blame
For their

I hear
The high tides
Of water
From within the haphazardly strewn sewers
Like train engines.

I walk by the windows of the library
Of the middle school
One block up
From where I live.

Oddly lit up at this time of night
Quiet and yellow.

There is not a soul within.

It’s so peaceful inside.

Recommended reading titles
Lined up on clear plastic easels
Along the window frames.

Silent child sized formica tables
Evenly centered and placed
Orderly and neat.

Chairs tucked in.

I return to the haphazard rain.

I hear the dangerous currents
Ripping through the streets and sewers.

It’s Armeggedon out here.

I make it home
Before the whole town
Begins to blow.